rain n. 1.雨,下雨;〔pl.〕阵雨。 2.雨天;〔the rains〕(热带地方的)雨季;〔the rains〕大西洋北纬4-10度的多雨地带。 3.(雨一样的)降落物。 4.〔俚语〕电子流。 a drizzling rain 细雨。 fine rain 毛毛雨。 a heavy [light] rain 大[小]雨。 It looks like rain. 像要下雨。 a rain of (ashes, tears, blows, kisses) (下雨一样的)一阵(灰,眼泪,打击,吻)。 in the rain 在雨中,冒着雨。 rain or shine 无论晴雨,风雨无阻;必然地;确定不疑地。 vi. 下雨〔通例用 it 为主语〕;雨一般地落下。 It rains in. (房屋)漏雨;雨飘进来。 It has rained over. 雨停了。 It never rains but it pours. 不下则已,一下倾盆;〔比喻〕祸不单行;发生大灾祸。 vt. 使像雨一样地落下;厚施(恩惠等)。 It rains blood. 血流如注。 Her eyes rained tears. 她泪下如雨。 rain benefits upon sb. 给(某人)很大恩惠。 rain off 〔英国〕=rain out. rain out 因下雨阻碍,因下雨而取消 (The meeting was rained out. 大会因雨停开)。 adj. -less
Plants of learning must be watered with the rain of tears 知识的幼苗要用泪雨来浇灌。
Sometimes , it was given in a tender rain of tears , and then it was take me to her 有时却是涕泗纵横,一片深情地说, “带我去看她。 ”
It might be my last effort in helping you . i had cried with a rain of tears while listening to grandma s words 利利说: “我没动,不知怎么回事,我就觉得我自己往前飘。 ”
I was prepared for the hot rain of tears ; only i wanted them to be shed on my breast : now a senseless floor has received them , or your drenched handkerchief 我准备你热泪如雨,只不过希望它落在我胸膛上,而现在,没有知觉的地板,或是你湿透了的手帕,接受了你的眼泪。